Saturday, 31 December 2011

3 cool pieces

that I'd gladly welcome into my wardrobe with open arms.

2012 resolutions

floss daily. gym 3-4 x a week. limit bought coffees to 3 a week. grow out hair. cook more meals. smile at more strangers. talk to more strangers. blog daily. write more. go blonder. do more things that make me uncomfortable. go kayaking. go to sasquatch. save money. pass accounting. try coconut water. buy coconut oil. go on a trip. finish a moleskin journal cover to cover. get my tattoo(s). choose to be happy everyday.

hands earrings

 just a casual $16407.41 from here

Thursday, 29 December 2011


I hadn't yet discovered that I
lived in a sort of transparent balloon, drifting over the world without
making much contact with it, and that the people I knew appeared to
me at a different angle from the one at which they appeared to them-
selves; and that the reverse was also true. I was smaller to others,
up there in my balloon, than I was to myself. I was also blurrier.

I bought makeshift items at thrift stores in each
new location and sold them when I left. I had no tableware. Now
and then I'd indulge myself in a frill - a vulgar colourful vase. a
flea-market curio. I acquired a carved wooden hand holding a sort
of chalice with the words Souvenir of Pitcairn Island on it. I splurged
on a Thirties perfume bottle minus the stopper.
The objects I chose were designed to hold something, but I
didn't fill them up. They remained empty. They were little symbolic
shrines to thirst.

Both excerpts from "Moral Disorder" by Margaret Atwood. She's genius.

You've got to be responsible for your own happiness - you
can't expect it to come flopping through your door like a parcel.
You've got to be practical in these matters. People sit at home
thinking Some Day My Prince Will Come. But that's no good
unless you've got a sign up saying Princes Welcome Here.

Above excerpt from "Talking it Over" by Julian Barnes.


Chill tunes for chill times. 
I've got a cold so all I have been doing is sleeping and watching movies and surfin' the web. 

where are your sneakers from?

Isabel Marant. Sneakers for classy ladays.

fellas got suave too

Hunks, some even without faces.
pics: jakandjill and thesatorialist

Saturday, 17 December 2011

just some goodness

black boots, black sunnies, black phone, black tights

Monday, 12 December 2011

my days my weeks my life

reading/when the book you are reading oddly parallels your thoughts/coffee/studying/randomstaplebuys/melodramatic

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

my christmas list

(From top left, clockwise: WildfoxSkinnyCrossTee, TheBlackKeysElCaminoCD, GoodyDoubleWearPonytailers+Bracelets, Victor&RolfFlowerbomb, MacbookPro, KiehlCremedeCorpsWhippedBodyButter, TomsShoes, CitizensofHumanityAvedonSkinnies, & DiptyqueBaiesCandle).

Monday, 28 November 2011

it's monday evening

and im bored, so watching arrested development and playing around with lipstick #suchagirl

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Awhile back I expressed interest in chopping off my hair and going bleach blonde. Done and done my friends. The photo doesnt do it justice colour wise, but you get the idea. I love it. I definitely needed a change.

Monday, 21 November 2011

all hail clear nail

via Angelica Blick 

black & gold


Monday, 14 November 2011

new wallet alert

Matt & Nat

luxe thats ever going to happen (5)

Total yum. It can all be yours for a mere $5055. 
Tank: Theory
Pants: Current/Elliot
Trench: Burberry Prorsum
Cuff: Dannijo
Boots: Rag and Bone
Bag: Alexander Wang

Thursday, 10 November 2011

elin envy

Oh how I wish Isabel Marant would deck me out in her goods head to toe, then I'd be off to the Versace x H&M show. Dream.

will i ever learn?

Sorry lovelies for the lack of posts lately! School has gotten busy and in the same day I got rear-ended and my car broke down. However, life happens. So to take my mind off the matters at hand, I am just going to distract myself with some material items. I am planning on picking up some lipstick from MAC tomorrow. I am thinking either red, fushia, or berry. Well, that narrows it down, but I'll update tomorrow with what I find. Nonetheless, retail therapy anyone? Actually, I recently took a Cosmo quiz and the result? Very very suiting...

Friday, 4 November 2011

well aren't you cute

Gummy bear charms via Nylon Blog.
How would you ever choose a colour?
 Get them here.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

its not over, until its over

I want these booties by Dolce Vita SO SO bad. Seriously, everyday I get dressed I am like shoot, no beige booties to wear. Transitional. Cool. Need.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Vintage Chanel

Monday, 24 October 2011

all blak everything

Just putting this out there right now. The above pieces are freakin' gorgeous (both Alexandra Blak) and although I cherish my skills to find cool stuff, I also despise it because it means I spend money...
Copper is the new rose gold people! Well at least I am saying so.

and the summer countdown begins

I am kidding because I actually love fall and winter more than summer. But this jewellry is so tighttt I probably could give up a cold season just to be able to bust these pieces out. Then again, the only thing holding me back from doing so is me. So, please no judgement when underneath my thick grey infinity scarf that goes up to my ears you see a little neon niceness poppin out. Beauutiful right? Go to her website to see more AMAZING pieces and tell me you are on the choker train this season, because really who isn't?

Sunday, 23 October 2011

you fit me better than my favourite sweater

I don't know my obsession with videos lately. But here are two songs I am diggin' atm.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

entranced for a minute and a half

"Flying Hair" by Matthew Donaldson via wellthreaded

the long and skirt of it

Rick Owens Lillies Maxi Skirts

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

we found love

"they makin me look cute so i can **** on a car"

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

always so cool

 Pics: fymka tumblr
Officially want aviators and pointy black heels.